Tuesday, May 18, 2010

As of lately....

As of Friday May, 15, 2010, I found out that my birth mother has breast and ovarian cancer. I am very worried and scared over this because I have not known her my whole life.

I was adopted when I was 7 years old. I was 18 when I first met my birth mother and it was not a pleasant experience because I went to visit with a closed mind. I was not ready to learn about myself at that time. Now, I am a wife and mother and I have a very open mind as to my roots. I want to know for my son that way I can tell him about his mom and his other family members. I would also like to be able to tell him about his family history.

If you are reading this, please know and understand that not only do I need your prayers to stay strong for my son and family, but my birth mom needs your prayers too.

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